29 November 2024 New concession in Brazil: with the ‘Nova Raposo’ road system in the state of São Paolo, ASTM consolidates its position as the country’s leading motorway operator
ASTM Group has been awarded, through its Brazilian subsidiary EcoRodovias, the tender for the 30-year management of the “Nova Raposo” motorway system, which covers more than 90km in the São Paulo metropolitan area. Thanks to this new award, ASTM Group confirms its position as the leading highway operator in Brazil and at the top of the industry worldwide, coming to manage a total of about 5,900 km of network, of which more than 4,800 km are in Brazil.
The “Nova Raposo” road system includes some of the main arterial roads accessing the metropolitan region of the capital city of São Paulo. In particular, the concession includes the urban sections of the Castello Branco (SP-280) and Raposo Tavares (SP-270) motorways, subject to intense volumes of commuter traffic. These infrastructures cross strategic areas, including major industrial and commercial hubs, as well as densely populated residential areas and play a crucial role in regional logistics. They connect, in fact, São Paulo’s ring road, known as the “Rodoanel,” to the “Marginal Pinheiros,” one of the city’s main urban corridors, and are frequently used by heavy vehicles heading to the Anchieta-Imigrantes system, the main motorway network connecting São Paulo to Santos, site of Brazil’s most important port.
The infrastructure, under the leadership of EcoRodovias, is set to become one of the most high-tech routes in the country, thanks to the implementation of “Free Flow” for barrier-free toll payment. The system, which allows for more safety, fewer emissions and a better travel experience, is part of the green transition strategy promoted by ASTM, contributing to the achievement of the Group’s ESG goals. In Brazil, the system
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